7 laws of the Universe you can use to live the life you really want.

Explore the power of the universe's seven fundamental laws with our free guide, an excerpt from Christer Johnsen's inspirational book "Be Daring. Be Different." Learn how to effectively apply the Law of Vibration, the Law of Rhythm, the Law of Polarity, and more to your life. This resource provides practical insights into harnessing universal energies for personal transformation, helping you to achieve your aspirations and live the life you've always envisioned.

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7 laws of the Universe you can use to live the life you really want.

Explore the power of the universe's seven fundamental laws with our free guide, an excerpt from Christer Johnsen's inspirational book "Be Daring. Be Different." Learn how to effectively apply the Law of Vibration, the Law of Rhythm, the Law of Polarity, and more to your life. This resource provides practical insights into harnessing universal energies for personal transformation, helping you to achieve your aspirations and live the life you've always envisioned.

From the bestselling book “Be Daring Be Different” By Christer Johnsen

There are 7 fundamental laws in the universe we can use to our advantage to reach our goals. The universe is made of energy. We are energy. And our thoughts are energy. We use the cause and effect to create the life we really want.

Many people are ignorant when it comes to this. They have heard about the laws – but they think they do not apply to them. Kind of strange to me, but I think it comes from the programming we have been taught since we were small kids. We are taught to be rational humans – like a part in the big machinery of society. As we know by now, we are energy, and an important part of the universe – whatever we like to think about – these 7 laws can be used to our advantage to create the life we really want to live.

1. The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves or vibrates nothing rests. Everything ever created from the smallest quantum particle (that is called a quark) to the largest skyscraper is in a constant state of energetic motion. We know that energy is – and energy never disappears – it only changes form.

The thoughts you think and get emotionally involved with are in control of the VIBRATION you are in. Feeling is conscious awareness of vibration.

From physics we know that like energy attracts like energy. We know that opposites are pushed away. That is the principle of magnets. And it is the Law of attraction – like energy attracts like energy.

Your thoughts are energy that create feelings. Feelings are waves of energy. And feelings affect your actions – which also are energy. That is why we can say that we become what we think.

When you understand the Law of vibration and the law of attraction instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your feelings (and vibrations) to attract and create the results you seek in life. You magnetize your mind.

2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Perpetual means constant movement forever. It never stops.

This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see hear smell taste or touch together with our emotions is the manifestation of energy in different forms – or frequencies. All frequencies are connected – it is a constant flow of an unlimited number of frequencies. For those of us who have tuned a FM/AM radio – we know that there is a flow of frequencies when we tune for a station.

Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed. Energy is.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy says that energy is always moving in and out of physical form. Rain starts with water being heated up – it moves up to the sky as moist creates clouds are cooled down and comes back to earth as rain – over and over again. It is a perpetual process.

3. The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and from, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action.

This law governs everything from the movement of planets to what happens in your body. A lot of economics also say that an economy has rhythm and follow waves. The law can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and every human’s hormone cycle.

Life is lived in contrasts so you are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them. And meet yourself with love and empathy – not anger. As soon as you realize you are in a downswing, it will change upwards.

4. The Law of Relativity

To the universe there is no small or big. Everything is energy – and it takes all possible forms. We think that big is big – but that is only true for our own perception and expectations.

In the study of this law we find that all things are relative including all laws. All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement, and correspond with each other.

For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. When I started my journey of creating the life I really want I often wondered how good can one actually feel – and I do not know. I only know that I feel so much better than before – and that is just great.

Recognize that everyone does something better than you and likewise you do something better than every person you meet. We have no right to judge others – and why should we bother? Do not compare you with others. You are you – and there is a place for you. To judge you against what others do is to use the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit— to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.

My sister and me always watched Pippi Longstocking on TV. I loved her when she said “I have never done that before so I know I can do it”.

Maybe you do not master it today – but practice always make masters.

5. The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down and every down has an up.

The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it is 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it is 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way.

This law is so powerful – you can use it to your advantage. This is where you develop your perception – to always look for the good in everything around you - to see both sides of a person, situation, or circumstance. You will be empowered and inspired.

Using this law will help you move forward in the direction of the life you really want because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire.

There is an enormous power in being neutral – and look for the possibility in everything that happens. And since perception and thereby context is subjective – everything that is a threat is also a possibility. “This is so bad it has to be really good.”

6. The Law of Cause and Effect

Many say this is “the Law of Laws.” And I tend to agree – because this is where we really create the life we really want when we understand that we are the cause of everything that happens around us. This law states that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite.

To quote Bob Proctor: “You have only one problem in life and that is you. And you have only one solution in life and that is you”. If you continue to do what you do you will have no change. So you have to change the cause (you) to change your life (the effect)

Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance. Every effect must have a cause; and in turn that cause must have an effect. Thus we have the never-ending cycle of cause and effect.

And here is the most important point – that is directly related to the Stickperson described above. Since our thoughts and feelings are energy the life around us is an effect of what we think. So we should start thinking about what we want to have and use this law to our advantage to create the life we really want. Most people think more about what they do not want – than what they want. And then they get what they do not want.

7. The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender is the creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.

Without the dual principle of male and female in all things there could not be a difference of potential or energy. Life is lived in contrast – and change is contrast. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was into something else that now is.

We experience both the masculine and feminine energy which is known as the creative process. Creativity is a result of wanting something else something new something different. And both men and women have a masculine pole and a feminine pole – and the strength of each pol varies with among other things our personality our experiences and our DNA.

Consciousness (everything that we think desire and love. All that we believes is true and untrue) is the masculine energy whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy.

The Law of Gender decrees that all seeds have an incubation period before they manifest in the physical world. Ideas are spiritual seeds that turns into thoughts that makes you feel thatmoves you

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From the bestselling book “Be Daring Be Different” By Christer Johnsen

There are 7 fundamental laws in the universe we can use to our advantage to reach our goals. The universe is made of energy. We are energy. And our thoughts are energy. We use the cause and effect to create the life we really want.

Many people are ignorant when it comes to this. They have heard about the laws – but they think they do not apply to them. Kind of strange to me, but I think it comes from the programming we have been taught since we were small kids. We are taught to be rational humans – like a part in the big machinery of society. As we know by now, we are energy, and an important part of the universe – whatever we like to think about – these 7 laws can be used to our advantage to create the life we really want to live.

1. The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves or vibrates nothing rests. Everything ever created from the smallest quantum particle (that is called a quark) to the largest skyscraper is in a constant state of energetic motion. We know that energy is – and energy never disappears – it only changes form.

The thoughts you think and get emotionally involved with are in control of the VIBRATION you are in. Feeling is conscious awareness of vibration.

From physics we know that like energy attracts like energy. We know that opposites are pushed away. That is the principle of magnets. And it is the Law of attraction – like energy attracts like energy.

Your thoughts are energy that create feelings. Feelings are waves of energy. And feelings affect your actions – which also are energy. That is why we can say that we become what we think.

When you understand the Law of vibration and the law of attraction instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your feelings (and vibrations) to attract and create the results you seek in life. You magnetize your mind.

2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Perpetual means constant movement forever. It never stops.

This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see hear smell taste or touch together with our emotions is the manifestation of energy in different forms – or frequencies. All frequencies are connected – it is a constant flow of an unlimited number of frequencies. For those of us who have tuned a FM/AM radio – we know that there is a flow of frequencies when we tune for a station.

Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed. Energy is.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy says that energy is always moving in and out of physical form. Rain starts with water being heated up – it moves up to the sky as moist creates clouds are cooled down and comes back to earth as rain – over and over again. It is a perpetual process.

3. The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and from, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action.

This law governs everything from the movement of planets to what happens in your body. A lot of economics also say that an economy has rhythm and follow waves. The law can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and every human’s hormone cycle.

Life is lived in contrasts so you are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them. And meet yourself with love and empathy – not anger. As soon as you realize you are in a downswing, it will change upwards.

4. The Law of Relativity

To the universe there is no small or big. Everything is energy – and it takes all possible forms. We think that big is big – but that is only true for our own perception and expectations.

In the study of this law we find that all things are relative including all laws. All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement, and correspond with each other.

For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. When I started my journey of creating the life I really want I often wondered how good can one actually feel – and I do not know. I only know that I feel so much better than before – and that is just great.

Recognize that everyone does something better than you and likewise you do something better than every person you meet. We have no right to judge others – and why should we bother? Do not compare you with others. You are you – and there is a place for you. To judge you against what others do is to use the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit— to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.

My sister and me always watched Pippi Longstocking on TV. I loved her when she said “I have never done that before so I know I can do it”.

Maybe you do not master it today – but practice always make masters.

5. The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down and every down has an up.

The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it is 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it is 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way.

This law is so powerful – you can use it to your advantage. This is where you develop your perception – to always look for the good in everything around you - to see both sides of a person, situation, or circumstance. You will be empowered and inspired.

Using this law will help you move forward in the direction of the life you really want because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire.

There is an enormous power in being neutral – and look for the possibility in everything that happens. And since perception and thereby context is subjective – everything that is a threat is also a possibility. “This is so bad it has to be really good.”

6. The Law of Cause and Effect

Many say this is “the Law of Laws.” And I tend to agree – because this is where we really create the life we really want when we understand that we are the cause of everything that happens around us. This law states that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite.

To quote Bob Proctor: “You have only one problem in life and that is you. And you have only one solution in life and that is you”. If you continue to do what you do you will have no change. So you have to change the cause (you) to change your life (the effect)

Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance. Every effect must have a cause; and in turn that cause must have an effect. Thus we have the never-ending cycle of cause and effect.

And here is the most important point – that is directly related to the Stickperson described above. Since our thoughts and feelings are energy the life around us is an effect of what we think. So we should start thinking about what we want to have and use this law to our advantage to create the life we really want. Most people think more about what they do not want – than what they want. And then they get what they do not want.

7. The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender is the creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.

Without the dual principle of male and female in all things there could not be a difference of potential or energy. Life is lived in contrast – and change is contrast. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was into something else that now is.

We experience both the masculine and feminine energy which is known as the creative process. Creativity is a result of wanting something else something new something different. And both men and women have a masculine pole and a feminine pole – and the strength of each pol varies with among other things our personality our experiences and our DNA.

Consciousness (everything that we think desire and love. All that we believes is true and untrue) is the masculine energy whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy.

The Law of Gender decrees that all seeds have an incubation period before they manifest in the physical world. Ideas are spiritual seeds that turns into thoughts that makes you feel thatmoves you

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7 laws of the Universe you can use to live the life you really want.

Explore the power of the universe's seven fundamental laws with our free guide, an excerpt from Christer Johnsen's inspirational book "Be Daring. Be Different." Learn how to effectively apply the Law of Vibration, the Law of Rhythm, the Law of Polarity, and more to your life. This resource provides practical insights into harnessing universal energies for personal transformation, helping you to achieve your aspirations and live the life you've always envisioned.

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